Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) is one of the oldest universities in Japan. Founded in 1873, this prominent university has conducted academic research on languages, cultures, and societies of all regions across the globe. When first reestablished as a university under the post-war education system in 1949, TUFS had only one undergraduate program with twelve departments.
Today, TUFS has three undergraduate schools, the School of Language and Culture Studies, the School of International Area Studies, and the School of Japan Studies; one graduate school, the Graduate School of Global Studies; and two affiliated organizations, the Research Institute for Language and Cultures of Asia and Africa, and the Japanese Language Center for International Students. In 2019, the “Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research” was established in cooperation with two neighboring universities.
Currently, TUFS offers majors in 28 languages and a total of 75 languages to study. The mission of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies is to conduct research and instruction, both theoretical and practical, on the world’s languages and the cultures rooted in them. We aim to provide the cultural refinement necessary to engage in international activities, and to deepen the understanding of regions around the world through the study of their languages.
What you can learn?
School of Language and Culture Studies, School of International and Area Studies, School of Japan Studies
[Graduate Schools]
Graduate School of Global Studies

Degree Programs in English
The Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) Program is an interdisciplinary educational program launched in 2004. It aims to fulfill the recognized need in many parts of the world for professionals with expertise in peace and conflict, violence, peacebuilding, and other related global and transnational issues. Each year the program admits a small but diverse group of individuals from all over the globe and provides them with unique opportunities to learn critical approaches to the issues of utmost importance to many people in today’s conflict-laden world. Many of our students come from conflict-affected countries, which provides opportunities for everyone to gain valuable experience in cross-cultural contact, understanding, and collaboration. All courses are held in English.
Exchange Student Programs
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies has International Student Exchange Program of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies: ISEPTUFS.
ISEPTUFS is designed for international exchange students coming to Tokyo University of Foreign Studies under student exchange agreements and provides them with the opportunity to acquire a firm understanding of Japanese culture or to deepen perspectives on current international issues on an academic level.
Short-Term Exchange Student Programs
TUFS Short Stay Program: This intensive program is aimed at learners of Japanese language who are currently enrolled in universities outside Japan. The program is designed to improve the students’ conversational skills, building on their grammatical knowledge and vocabulary. Classes will be divided according to the Japanese language proficiency of the participants, and each class will consist of a small number of participants – approximately 15.
TUFS Short Stay Summer Program
Short Stay Summer Program
TUFS Short Stay Winter Program
Short Stay Winter Program

Independent Scholarship
Fund for support for TUFS students studying abroad, support for foreign students accepted by TUFS, support for overseas education and research, and support for multicultural education
CHO Yukio scholarship
International Education supporting fund
Support Systems for Exchange Students
Tutorial system
Buddy system
Housing guarantor system