Hiroshima University


Hiroshima University is a national institution established in Hiroshima, the world’s first atomic bombed city in human history. Based on its founding principle of “a single unified university, free and pursuing peace”, HU has contributed to the creation of a diversified, free and peaceful global community as an exceptional institution of learning in the fields of education, research, medical services, and social contribution.
Comprising 12 schools, 4 graduate schools, an attached research institute, a university hospital, and other facilities, HU is one of the largest comprehensive research universities in Japan.
HU was selected as one of 13 universities for the ‘Top Global University Project’ (top type) in 2014, and as one of 13 universities for the ‘WISE (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education) Program’ in 2018.
HU is also making a concerted effort to become more international and multicultural. As of May 1, 2022, there are 1,638 international students from 84 countries and regions at HU.
This year, the Arizona State University/Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Management-Hiroshima University Global Initiative was established on the grounds of the Higashi-Hiroshima campus and is expected to serve as a bridge to the world as a global campus.

Available Program

Undergraduate Program
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
School of Letters
School of Education
School of Law
School of Economics
School of Science
School of Medicine
School of Dentistry
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Engineering
School of Applied Biological Science
School of Informatics and Data Science

Graduate Program
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life
Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences

Application requirement

Undergraduate Program
There are two main ways to enroll in regular courses: 1. The General Entrance Exam and 2. Entrance Examination for International Applicants. Some of the schools offer a “Comprehensive type of exam [I/II type, International Baccalaureate type, IGS type (overseas/domestic exam) (*)]”.
Please check the “Admission Information for International Students” and the websites for application requirements.

【Admission Information for International Students 2021),P5-P6】
Learn more

【School of Integrated Arts and Sciences,Department of Integrated Global Studies (Undergraduate program taught in English)】
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【Admission Information *Japanese text only】
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Graduate Program
Application requirements vary depending on the program.
Please check the “Admission Information for International Students” for application requirements.

【Admission Information for International Students 2021, P7-P8】
Learn more

Application Documents

Undergraduate Program
Application documents vary depending on the type of entrance examination.

【School of Integrated Arts and Sciences,Department of Integrated Global Studies (Undergraduate program taught in English)】
Learn more

【Admission Information *Japanese text only】
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Graduate Program
Application documents vary depending on the type of entrance examination.

【Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences】
◆Master’s Course
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◆Doctoral Course
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【Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering】
◆Master’s Course
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◆Doctoral Course
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【Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life】
◆Master’s Course
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◆Doctoral Course
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【Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences】
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Application deadlines

Undergraduate Program
Application deadlines vary depending on the type of entrance examination.

【School of Integrated Arts and Sciences,Department of Integrated Global Studies】
Learn more

【Admission Information *Japanese text only】
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Graduate Program
Application deadlines vary depending on the program.

【Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences】
◆Master’s Course
Learn more
◆Doctoral Course
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【Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering】
◆Master’s Course
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◆Doctoral Course
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【Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life】
◆Master’s Course
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◆Doctoral Course
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【Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences】
Learn more

Tuition, Other Fees

Undergraduate Program
【Admission Information for International Students 2021),P11】
Application Fee 17,000JPY
Enrollment Fee 282,000JPY
Tuition Fees 535,800 JPY (per year)
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Graduate Program
【Admission Information for International Students 2021),P11】
Application Fee 30,000JPY
Enrollment Fee 282,000JPY
Tuition Fees 535,800 JPY (per year)
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Contact information


Event Hours(1)

  • 2-Sep [Fri]

    18:00 – 18:45 (JST)

    Passcpode : V4Qu6sg@0k
    Webinar : 893 8600 6220

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September 1-22, 2022
Study in Japan Online Fair 2022

Online Session 18:00-18:45 (JST)
Start at
1:00pm in UAE
12:30am in Iran
12:00am in Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria
11:00am in Egypt
10:00am in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia

Online Session 19:00-19:45 (JST)
Start at
2:00pm in UAE
1:30pm in Iran
1:00pm in Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria
10:30am in Egypt
9:30am in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia

For Online Session