J-MENA Project
What is the J-MENA project?
Welcome to the official page of the J-MENA Project (Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan for the Middle East & North Africa), where you can explore the exciting opportunities for studying in Japan. The J-MENA project is a government initiative dedicated to supporting prospective students from the Middle East & North Africa in pursuing their education in Japan. Based at Kyushu University, one of Japan’s top imperial universities, this project is generously funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). With over 30 Japanese universities offering top-quality English-based programs, the project provides unparalleled opportunities for our international students to achieve their academic goals in Japan!
Who is it for?
The J-MENA project is dedicated to fostering strong connections with the MENA (Middle East & North Africa) region. Our focus is on engaging prospective students, universities, educational institutions, Japanese universities, Middle Eastern and North African students studying in Japanese universities, alumni of Japanese universities, and Japanese companies in the MENA region!
The J-MENA offers:
An active online platform to:
- Connect with stakeholders
- Share “Must-Know” information on studying in Japan.
- Discover the unique benefits of studying in Japan (English-taught programs, Reasonable tuition fees, Low cost of living, Job opportunities and career options, A safe and secure environment).
- Opportunities for PR in the MENA region:e.g., organizing study in Japan fairs and assisting Japanese universities that conduct entrance exams in MENA.